
Thursday, March 26, 2020

4 week holiday home working

making scrambled eggs:
  1. get a pan and put it on the back right element then put a bit of butter on the pan. 
  2. turn on the pan and adjust it to half way. 
  3. then you get a bowl and crack two eggs in the bowl then add a cap full of milk. 
  4. then stir with a fork till all one colour the colour should be orange. 
  5. go back to your pan and tip all your egg in the pan then get a spoon and scap the bottem of the pan and mix.
  6. wihle it is cooling down for 20 seconds put your toast in the toaster. 
  7. once your egg has cooled down put it on a plate or bowl and put your toast on a plate.
  8. then enjoy.

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  1. Kia Ora Hani
    Yum! Your scrambled eggs look very good. Thank you for sharing the recipe that is a breakfast, lunch or dinner someone can make. I like the photos you have posted you are a good cook. What else can you cook?
    Have fun learning at home. I look forward to reading more of your posts.
    Whaea Donna

  2. thank you whea donna. and i will post more soon
